Management Development
for Enhanced Performance:
A Paper Industry Professional Development
Course |
Cosponsored by the Center for Paper Business
and Industry Studies,
North Carolina State University
and the Paper Industry Management Association
October 13-17, 2008 has been
Next scheduled offering will take place in June 2009 in Atlanta,
(dates to be determined)
To register for the course:
Phone: (404) 385-3501
FAX: (404) 894-8925
If you have questions or experience difficulties, contact:
Charley Burney by email at:
or by phone at (404) 894-1488.
About the Course:
- Taught by faculty of Georgia Institute of Technology and
experienced practitioners from the Pulp and Paper and Suppliers
Industries, using a variety of teaching methods including lectures,
class discussions, case studies, and individual /group interactive
- Guest speakers will share their experiences in areas such as
technology transfer; organization learning; operations, financial
and supply chain management; and developing business tactics and
- After the program, participants will be offered explicit
follow-up opportunities for further reinforcement, sharing, and
ongoing development through the use of distance learning
Click here to see what previous
participants have said about this course
This course is designed to provide a meaningful growth
opportunity for managers and leaders at all levels and in all
functions of the pulp & paper industry, i.e.:
Mill and/or plant managers in both
the manufacturing and supplier sectors of the pulp and paper
industry. Managers, superintendents and supervisors responsible for
operations in production, human resources, maintenance, technical,
purchasing, finance, and other administrative services.
How You Will Benefit:
- Learn about current and future competitive challenges that will
affect your industry and how you can effectively deal with
- Become proficient in using analytical tools to analyze finance
and accounting data to make trade-offs among alternate courses of
- Discover approaches to managing a diverse group of individuals
and creating a more cohesive, high-performance work team.
- Challenge your current thinking and approaches on how to deal
with and manage change successfully.
- Achieve waste and cost reduction by using innovative approaches
to manage, control, and improve various business
- Understand the critical traits of effective leadership and
recognize what you need to do to become an effective leader and
motivator of people.
- Achieve strategic outcomes at the negotiation tables with
contractors and suppliers and close deals that create more value
for all involved.
- Use effective approaches to select, motivate, involve and
energize the workforce.
- Use proven tools and methods to understand your customers
better and to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty to enhance
- Learn what must be done to improve capital effectiveness and
ensure that projects perform as expected.
- Enhance your overall management skills, thereby making you more
valuable to your organization.
Program of the course:
The course is divided into 8 sessions, starting just after an
overview of the Paper Industry - Challenges and Opportunities:
- The Art of Leadership
- Effectively Managing Change
- Creating Successful Bargaining and Negotiations Outcomes
- Effectively Managing High Performance Teams
- Leveraging People Resources for Improved Performance
- Improving Capital Effectiveness
- Designing, Managing, and Improving Processes
- Customer Relationship Management
In addition, during two of the four evenings, guest speakers who
are successful in their profession will challenge the participants'
perspective about the pulp and paper industry.
Click here for more information on the
Program Outline
For further information about the content and delivery of this
course offering please contact the Course Director, Professor Vinod
Singhal (CPBIS) by Tel: 404-894-4908, Fax: 404-894-6030, or e-mail:
Duration, Location and Cost:
This five day course is offered at the
Learning and Conference Center of the Georgia Institute of
Technology, at Technology square on the Georgia Tech campus, in
Atlanta, GA. The course starts at 8:00 am on Monday and ends at
4:30 pm on Friday.
Base price of the course is $2,500 (excluding lodging and
boarding). PIMA and TAPPI members and employees of companies or
organizations sponsoring CPBIS, are eligible for a 10% discount
off the base price. Please provide details of your
membership when submitting your registration. If you would like to
become a PIMA member, please click here.
Phone: (404) 385-3501
FAX: (404) 894-8925
The registration and cancellation policy for this course can be
found here.
Information related to the course:
Brochure of the Course (.pdf)
About the