Deutsche Bank Reports Summaries
080425 Deutsche Bank Report - Dr. Paper's Weekly Wrap Up
Deutsche Bank - Equity Research
* Input costs are a big issue. Domtar warned of $35-45MM in q/q
cost pressure (energy, fiber, chemicals, and transportation). As
high energy costs ripple thru systems, pressure apt to rise in Q2
& Q3.
* Uncoated free sheet shipments plunged 9.6% y/y in March - big
shift from Jan. & Feb. It is consistent w/ most anecdotal trade
reports from March & early April. YTD UFS ship's are off
* Newsprint decline isn't easing. Consumption @ US dailies
-15.2% y/y in March (-12.8% YTD), and overall consumption -11.1%
y/y (-8.5% YTD). W/ demand falling & NA operating rate at 91%,
it's likely that more closures/conversions are looming.