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Mission and Goals


The Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies (CPBIS), located at the Georgia Institute of Technology, was created by the Sloan Foundation. One of a series of such centers supported by Sloan, CPBIS seeks to build productive bridges between industry practitioners and academic experts.

Sloan industry centers focus on management and business practices, not on purely scientific or technical research. Georgia Tech, long recognized in the realms of engineering and technology, is also home to internationally known faculty and graduate programs in management, policy, and the social sciences. CPBIS taps these resources to generate distinctive insights into issues of vital importance to the paper industry. CPBIS also uses Georgia Tech as a window to other institutions and their respective researchers who have unique specialties to complement those at Georgia Tech.

Researchers associated with the Center combine specialized knowledge of pulp and paper with broad, comparative perspectives on industrial management and business practices. Informed but independent, they offer unbiased, authoritative analyses of the industry's best practices and most pressing problems. Center-sponsored projects attract and train advanced graduate students from a variety of disciplines, funneling new talent and expertise into the paper industry.


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