Live Forecasting
Short-term forecasting for:
1. Series without clear upward/downward trend and
seasonality (About)
2. Series with upward/downward trend but no seasonality
3. Series with upward/downward trend and seasonality
Please note: this forecasting method currently only forecasts
Quarterly data
Note: If you are uncertain about which forecasting
tool to use, we recommend you use #2 as it is more general.
Three methods, which we use for forecasting, belong to the wide
range of exponential smoothing algorithms producing reliable
short-term forecasts. Exponential smoothing is based on the concept
of moving average that smoothes out the irregular fluctuations. But
in contrast to pure moving average approach it gives more weight to
recent observations and exponentially smaller weight to more
distant observations. This technique has been successfully employed
in practice to predict the future values of many types of time
series, such as production, sales, or inventory data. Exponential
smoothing methods under some circumstances may be more feasible,
accurate, cheaper, and easier to use than more complicated
forecasting techniques.
Interactive program smoothes the data (smoothing constants are
estimated automatically) and produces the forecast for a required
number of periods.