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Alan Procter at CPBIS/IPST Distinguished Lecture Series: "Crafting Competitive Strategy"
ATLANTA, GEORGIA, October 25, 2002 --- Alan Procter was the second speaker in a Distinguished Lecture Series presented by the Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies (CPBIS), the Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST), and Buckman Laboratories. Dr. Procter discussed Crafting Competitive Strategy and explained why it is essential in today's business environment, on October 25th at IPST. The event was broadcasted over the web and the recording can be viewed for free by clicking here (please allow the Centra platform software to install itself if necessary). Dr. Procter said, "According to the classic thinking of Michael
Porter at the Harvard Business School, crafting a competitive
strategy is about establishing differences, creating new strategic
positions and making trade-offs. Strategic positioning means
performing different activities from rivals' or performing similar
activities in different ways." Dr. Procter contended that the
unique linkage of such strategic positions throughout an
organization creates a strong locked-in "strategy blueprint" that
is difficult to copy. He described a unique software-supported
business tool that facilitates the creation of innovative strategy
blueprints. Dell, Southwest Airlines, Ikea and Starbucks are
well-known examples of "best in class" for successful strategic
positioning in cost-minimizing business sectors. Is there an
example from the Pulp and Paper Sector? Alan Procter is the former Research Director for MacMillan Bloedel and has over 30 years experience in the Forest Products Sector. He is now a senior international consultant helping organizations exploit the future in their business strategy. Together with partners, he brings a unique software supported process called Future Robust Strategy to the Forest Products Sector. He is also a proven leader in innovative research management and technology delivery, and is the developer of a professional / executive course in Technology Management. He is regular column contributor to Industry Journals, and speaker at International Conferences. Buckman Laboratories has sponsored the Distinguished Lecture Series -- the series is free to the public. The next lecture will be on November 22, 2002. Kai Korhonen, CEO of Stora Enso North America will discuss What Drives Consolidation in the Paper Industry. How to attend any webcast event if you cannot attend it in person: 1) To register for this event please proceed to the following
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connections. 3) Then click on the "Events" Tab and click "enroll" below title of the event you wish to attend (note you can also "enroll" in all events within a "Program" by clicking the the "Program Tab" and enroll in one or more programs such as the Distinguished Lecture Series, CPBIS Seminars, IPST Seminars, etc.) 4) About 10 minutes prior to the start of the event please
proceed to: http://conference.ipst.gatech.edu 5) If you have already enrolled click "MY Schedule" and click "attend" below the event title - if you have not enrolled go to Step 3 and then do this step. Should you encounter any difficulties please call Bob Patterson at: 770-855-0232
__________________________________________________________ About
CPBIS: The Center for Paper Business and Industry
Studies (CPBIS) is a globally recognized and industry-valued
academic center, creating knowledge and tools that support paper
industry decision-makers, and producing interdisciplinary graduates
who contribute to the long-term success of the paper industry. The
CPBIS is co-sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the
Institute of Paper Science and Technology (IPST), the Georgia
Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), and the Paper
Industry. |