Kilpi: India, Turkey Offer
Attractive Opportunities for Paper Producers
Soile Kilpi’s Jacksonville presentation laid out, in
considerable detail, reasons for pulp and paper producers
contemplating future strategic moves to take a close look at these
two countries.
She began by emphasizing the disparities in anticipated market
growth rates between the developed and developing countries. Over
the period 2005-2020 the anticipated average annual demand growth
in the developed countries of North America, Western Europe and
Japan is only 0.5%. This is in sharp contrast to the corresponding
figure of 3.5% for non-Japan Asia, where demand will grow in
response to urbanization and increases in both population and GDP.
Over 60% of incremental production is forecast to be in non-Japan
Asia over the next 15 years.
Within Asia, China is not the only “hot spot” of
remarkable market growth. Notable among the others are India and
Turkey. In India, for example, demand is expected to grow at an
average annual rate of 5.8% between now and 2020. GDP is growing at
an average annual rate of 7% and the government has reduced
controls on foreign trade and investment. The literacy rate is 60%
and the labor force is greater than 500 million. Turkey, with a
labor force of 25 million and a literacy rate of 87%, has one of
the world’s fastest growing economies. Turkey has gradually
opened up its markets through economic reforms such as
government controls on foreign trade and investment and
privatization. In both countries, low consolidation provides
attractive market entry opportunities, especially in India. Exports
to Turkey from high cost efficiency locations could provide an
attractive entry opportunity.
Ms. Kilpi may be contacted at soile.kilpi@poyry.com
About CPBIS: The Center for Paper Business and
Industry Studies (CPBIS) is an internationally recognized academic
research center providing business knowledge of relevance to the
global forest products industry. The CPBIS is cosponsored by the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Georgia Institute of Technology
(Georgia Tech), and the Paper Industry.